Since its inception in 2011, Facing Facts has worked with a wide network of partners in various capacities.
Since 2021, the Facing Facts Secretariat manages the Facing Facts Network. The Network consists of now 38 members in 19 countries who act as change makers to make the impact of hate visible and provide understandings and responses to hate crime and hate speech in Europe and beyond.

The ever-growing list below includes main partners, associate partners, funding partners and potential members of what we consider the Facing Facts Network built throughout the years, with partners contributing to different stages of the Facing Facts initiative.

The Facing Facts Network works across communities and institutions to transform understandings of and responses to hate crime and hate speech in Europe and beyond for the benefit of victims, communities and EU societies. 

We consider this community of practice to be one of the core strengths of the Facing Facts Network and look forward to further strengthening our network.

Our 38 members

Facing Facts Network

Contact if you would like to join the Facing Facts Network.

Learn more about our members on our YouTube channel. Discover the Member Portraits of ZARA Civil Courage & Anti-Racism Work, Fondazione CDEC, Fundación Secretariado Gitano and CLAIM.

Benefits of becoming a member

Becoming a member means not only being part of an influential voice on a European level, but also joining an active, multidisciplinary, professional community

Previous Collaborations